What's new this season?
Golden Rule Guarantee!
Your items are eligible for our Golden Rule Guarantee! The guarantee means that if your item is lost and we have not sold it for you, we will pay for it.

Here's How the Golden Rule Guarantee Works:

1. Consignors must use detailed tags and include a substantial description including brand, color, sex, and size. A detailed tag allows us to match up lost tags to your items.
2. Consignors must generate and bring a Drop Off report of the items listed in the sale.
3. Items must be in numerical order as they were entered, in order to make the check-in process faster and smoother. The order of your items should match the order on your printed inventory sheet.
4. Drive-Thru Drop Off participants are not eligible for the Golden Rule Guarantee.
5. Donated items are NOT eligible to be guaranteed.
6. You can guarantee all of your items, or just certain items. Because the Guarantee process takes longer to check-in, we encourage you to consider guaranteeing only your higher priced items and not worrying about your lower priced items. If you want select items only guaranteed, just talk to your check in staff and tell them. It is not required, but it would speed up your check-in process if you price all of your guaranteed items one after another so they are grouped together on the drop off report. This will also help with a faster check-in!
7. It is the consignor's responsibility to make sure unsold items are retrieved and picked up by the end of the sale. The participating consignor MUST pick up the items in person. If a husband, friend, sister, or anyone other than the participating consignor picks up the items, the guarantee is void.
8. Questions or disputes must be addressed with DDG Consignment Events, Inc. at pick-up, including addressing any missing items beforeleaving the event location. Once the consignor has left pick-up, no disputes or claims can be made.
1. Consignors must use detailed tags and include a substantial description including brand, color, sex, and size.
2. Consignors must generate and bring a Drop Off report of the items listed in the sale. To generate this sheet, please choose the sale from the drop down list below and your Drop Off report will be generated.
3. Items must be in numerical order as they were entered, in order to make the check-in process faster and smoother. The order of your items should match the order on your printed inventory sheet.
4. Drive-Thru Drop Off participants are not eligible for the Golden Rule Guarantee.
5. It is the consignor's responsibility to make sure unsold items are retrieved and picked up by the end of the sale. The participating consignor MUST pick up the items in person. If a husband, friend, sister, or anyone other than the participating consignor picks up the items, the guarantee is void.
6. Questions or disputes must be addressed with DDG Consignment Events, Inc. at pick-up, including addressing any missing items before leaving the event location. Once the consignor has left pick-up, no disputes or claims can be made.
7. Guaranteed items that are marked to sell at 1/2 price will be guaranteed and paid for at the 1/2 price amount, not the full price.